
We help businesses of all shapes and sizes identify and address some of the biggest digital challenges they may be facing. From membership organisations to global blue-chip companies, we know there’s no magic bullet to fixing your digital strategy.

With the right mix of tools, research and experience, we’ll provide you with tangible solutions and an actionable roadmap.

Stakeholder Research

Working collaboratively with our clients is key to the success of any digital project. Getting the insider view, an understanding of the big issues your people and departments are looking to overcome, and sharing the insight they’ve gathered by being part of the day-to-day provides us with an invaluable starting point.

We’ll conduct qual research with your team, ask them to walk us through their processes, and even provide a space for them to lay bare some of their deepest frustrations. When it comes to stakeholder management, we know when to filter out the politics and stay focussed on the key objectives.

User And Market Research

We can help you assess your current customer experience or innovation ideas through a number of different qual and quant research activities, including in-person or remote user testing. We bring the human factor to digital products, measure behavioural responses, and integrate this powerful customer insight in the solutions we put forward. From uncovering unmet user needs to identifying content gaps to help answer user questions, our research helps define user priorities for your digital product.

Making this part of your product development practice doesn’t have to be complicated or take weeks- in fact see how we can gather customer insight in 12hrs or less.

Technical And Data Consultancy

Embarking on any digital transformation programme always involves reassessing the technology that can help you deliver your desired outcome.

Our approach to tech consultancy is one of complete objectivity. Whilst we’re preferred agency partners to a number of tech platforms, we believe in putting forward what’s right for you and the best fit for your business.

Activities could include understanding your current systems, core and supporting applications and services, the physical infrastructure as well as the data models. We’ll identify issues, advise on tool selection, and help establish the feasibility of any future goals.

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Head Office
8 Hillside Road, Parktown Johannesburg 2196

Contact Number
087 550 0630
