Exclusive Interview with KEU Underwriting Managers

At Republic Digital Consultancy we believe that the proof is in the pudding. Our clients’ feedback is therefore critical for us to ensure that we are on the right track, and that we also stay on the right track. We sat down with the MD of KEU Underwriting Managers, Denise Hattingh, to check in and get their feedback on RDC.  

Q1: What made you as a business decide to incorporate social media into your marketing strategy?  

A: It just made sense. Our market is diverse, and we have new entrants all the time. We find social media to be the quickest most effective way to communicate with all, instantaneously.

Q 2: Have you seen any changes in your business activity since you started using social media to drive awareness of your business?

A: Yes, the public is more aware of our name and product offering. It makes it easier when your potential client base is comfortable with your name because they have seen it in the market. We have also seen an uptake in general enquiries from new potential clients, this is especially good because we work in a very small niche market.

Q3: What advice would you share with other role players in the insurance space when it comes to social media marketing?

Do it, but make sure it is effective and always control comments and feedback. It is critical to have the right partner that is on top of all things digital.

Q4: How has working with Republic Digital, as an extension of your marketing team, helped your business?

A: It has been a great tool to create awareness in terms of our product offering.

Q5: Do you think social media works?

A: Yes, most definitely.

Q6: What are your thoughts on incorporating animation, especially for an industry that relies heavily on training and keeping stakeholders informed?

A: We found this a great tool. It is short and grabs attention. Our brokers and their insured found this very helpful and informative.

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